Kelly Edwards

gratitude ~ simplicity ~ creativity ~ purpose ~ compassion


How can I help you?

I create a space for you to use the therapeutic tools within the realm of yoga to retrieve the messages the body-mind offers. These often show up as symptoms, habitual patterns or life’s challenges. I help you listen to these internal messages and facilitate access to your wholeness, well-being and truth.

I have been teaching yoga for almost two decades. I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to my offerings. I offer a space for you to transform your good intentions into positive choices, to awaken you to your highest potential as human being.

my story


why me?

I understand the movement of energy within the body.  How emotion is stored in the body. How our thoughts and beliefs create our current reality, and how our reality can change when we change our thoughts.  I understand the frustrations of change. We all have deeply etched samskaras, patterns, habits that hinder our movement, our posture, our thought process, our beliefs.   I understand we are constantly in a state of change.  I understand when we embody our practice, when we pause to breathe we are destined for healthful and fulfilling life. A life of greater success, happiness , and meaning.


I am a teacher

Teaching is my dharma. In yoga I found my voice, I found something I loved BEing. My confidence soared, my body and mind healed. My practice was the support I need as my life happened. It enabled me to live life fully, without regret, regardless of what life gave me. I embodied the teachings of yoga to embrace equanimity. To learn to live with gratitude and compassion for myself as much as for others. I want to share this beautiful gift I had been given with you.


  • iRest Yoga Nidra Level One Certification

    30 hours. iRest Institute. Richard Miller. 2020.

  • Yoga Therapy Teacher Training.

    1000 hours. Yoga Therapy International: Maggie Reagh, Neil Pearson, Tianne Allan, Bernie Clarke. Vancouver, BC & Chennai, TN. India. 2017-2019.

  • I AM Yoga Nidra.

    100 hours. Amrit Yoga Institute: John Vosler. 2018.

  • Yin Yoga Teacher Training.

    40 hours. Prana Yoga Teacher College: Bernie Clarke. 2010

  • Hot Yoga Teacher Training.

  • 80 hours. YYoga: Alex Atherto. 2008

  • Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training.

    200 hours. Yoga West: Guru Raj Kaur, Dharm Kaur. 2003-2004.

I love being a student and each year I am constantly continuing my education, with workshops and short trainings. This is a requirement of both Yoga Alliance and The International Yoga Therapist Association. I take the accreditation and ethical requirements of teaching yoga to heart as I believe yoga is a powerful tool for transformation.

Some other education to deepen my appoach to teaching Yoga

  • Sound Healing Academy. Foundations of Integral Sound Healing. 2019

  • Reiki Level III. Master Practitioner & Master Teacher. 2014.

  • Reiki Level II. 2013.

  • Body Talk Fundamentals. 2011-2012.

  • Co-Active Coaching. Coaches Training Institute. 2009-2010.

  • Reiki Level I. 2004.

As one of my teachers reminded me, “to be a good teacher you need to be a great student”. I love to learn, and I believe multiple disciplines make for a well rounded teacher and human being.

Yoga Designations

life doesn’t happen to us, it happens for us.


beyond the teacher

Who am I beyond a yoga teacher… I am a woman filled with dichotomies. I crave spontaneity, and I need stability. I want to be on the move, and I love the peace stillness brings. I want ride a motorbike though the Himalayas and I want chickens in a sweet back garden. Yoga helps me balance all this, and more.

I was born in Canada, but I grew up in the South of England. Within the contentment of living in a fun City with a wonderful group of friends there was a restlessness in me. I am intelligent, but I do not thrive in an academic environment. Although I was accepted into university I knew this was not my path. In the spirit of spontaneity, I took off to Central America. I decided to come to Canada instead of going home. I arrived at Vancouver Airport with $80 and a little book full of fellow travellers’ telephone numbers. A kind soul offered me an empty basement suite for a couple of months. Within three days of arriving I had a job. And, so began my wonderful Canadian Life.

Yoga has always been a part of my life, even before I knew that was what it was. There is a beautiful word in Sanskrit, s(h)raddha(a), faith reverence, confidence. This is my word. I have always trusted the universe would take care of me. The times I made unsound choices, the times I took risks. When my life got very dark, there was always a light at the end of the tunnel. I was unwavering in my trust. This was the gift of yoga. There is another word, ahimsa, it means non violence, non harming, it is the most important of the Yamas in the the eight limbs of yoga, even beyond the Yama of truth. This is my gift back, to do my best to step lightly on this planet, to be kind to all other beings, and to be kind to myself. To live a life full of gratitude and reciprocity.

she needed a hero, so that is who she became.