my offering to you

mindfulness ~ heartfulness ~ soulfulness

What do I teach?


I am often asked what kind of yoga do I teach. The quick or basic answer is I teach different styles of yoga, I teach Therapeutic Yoga, Hatha, Yin, Restorative, and Kundalini Yoga. If I elaborate at all I may offer and sometimes I will borrow from each to create an eclectic style to meet the needs of the class or the intention I am bringing to the teaching. This is a vague answer and does not really get to the heart of what is being asked.

The question is really how do I teach yoga and are you going to like it. Am I going to meet your expectations of a particular yoga class. I know because as a student I have asked the question too. I have sat with this question for a while now so I could give you some kind of answer. I realize it is more about a style, a way of teaching The HOW of teaching. This is what I came up with…

Yoga is a chance to pause, and notice how you show up for the rest of your day.

The Anatomy of Yoga is so much more than asana.

How do I teach?


We live in a busy world. Often we are busy being busy. This is our culture and we have developed a badge of honour for busy-ness. No matter what type of yoga I am teaching, my intention is to create a space for students to become present. To be in your body in this moment, to honour where you are physically, emotionally, mentally in this breath.

I am teaching self agency. I am teaching loving kindness, for who you are now, in this moment. A respectfulness to the beautiful miracle of you, and everything you have been to be here as you are. A pause, moment to celebrate you. I am teaching the wonder of impermanence so you can discipline the mind through movement and stillness.

I invite you to challenge yourself on the mat with compassion and curiosity, so you can meet the challenges of the the every day with grace. I am teaching you to breathe and embody balance, to be - to do, to rest - to move. To accept challenge and to know when to let go. To embrace the joy of life and all its little pleasures with equanimity.

Yoga for Women

with Migraine.

yoga inspired self-care

As a yoga therapist, and as a woman who has suffered with migraine my whole life I want to offer you tools, techniques and suggestions that have worked for me to alleviate a debilitating neurological disorder that held me hostage for almost a decade. I am currently working on complete online course for you. In the meantime, I have created a Facebook group. Join me if you are curious.

Yoga Designations


“Tasting dark chocolate, a ripe apricot, a luscious elixir - Savour the expanding joy in your body. Nature is offering herself to you. How astonishing to realize this world can taste so good.

When sipping some ambrosia, raise your glass, close your eyes, toast the universe. The Sun and Moon and Earth danced together to bring you this delight. Receive the nectar on you tongue as a kiss of the divine.

— Radiance Sutras (49)

lokah samastah sukino bhavantu

may all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may all the thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and freedom for all.

om shanti, shanti shanthi

breath embody you