How to create a sacred space. 5 easy tips…

A space for contemplation

Create a special space in your home where you can relax and unwind. Somewhere you feel renewed and can connect with yourself is essential for self-nourishment. When you create a space for quiet reflection, you're embraced with a sense of deep healing peace. You get to sit and listen to the quiet whispers of the soul as the ego is silenced.

Decide what sacred means to you. Explore your definition of sacred, and spiritual. This can evolve over time.

Think about how you want to use the space. Do you want to do yoga, meditate, find insight in reading inspiring books? Its your space to nurture yourself.

Setting the intention of sacred space sets the tone of how you come to that space. If you are unable to dedicate a room, a quiet corner will do fine.

Be authentic, and come from the heart as you set up your altar. Choose objects that mean something to YOU. Beautiful things that fill you with joy and connect you to your soul. Beauty, remember, is in the eye of the beholder.

Some ideas:

Mementos, photos of loved ones.

Inspiring words, or pictures.

Divination tools; eg cards, runes or pendulums


Elements: for example:

  • · candles for fire

  • · fountains for water

  • · chimes for air

  • · crystals for earth

  • · music for ether / sound.

Be comfortable. Have a chair or a cushion to sit on. You want to feel cozy and happy to be in your space. It is not an endurance test. Discomfort is a create activator for your ‘monkey mind’.

Your space is a wonderful place to sit with your inner wisdom and ask for guidance. A space to refocus and create a positive vision for your life.

With Love


